Activity 17 - Joint residency Germany / Poland

These collaborative performances bring together two partners orchestras, implying a residency and the performing of concerts in each of the respective country of the orchestras involved. Combining orchestras adds new components to concert programming and put emphasis on the key step in audience development policy.
For the orchestra musicians they are essential capacity building shared moments which result in creating a sense of connexion.
Filharmonia Śląska im.Henryka Mikołaja Góreckiego (PL) went in residency in Jena (DE) from 7 to 11 June, 2016. A first concert took place in Jena on June 10 at the Volkhauss hall. In November, Jenaer Philharmonie did the mirror residency in Katowice (PL), from 24 to 26 November, 2016. The second concert was on November 25 at the Filharmonia Śląska hall.
More than 92 musicians and staff were involved in this adventure (46 from Filharmonia Śląska im.Henryka Mikołaja Góreckiego and 46 from Jenaer Philharmonie).
This activity was the second opportunity for German and Polish Network’s partners to share this type of project so they know how to communicate and sort out the leadership desk sharing.
- Max REGER - Koncert fortepianowy f-moll op. 114
- Henryk Mikolaj GÓRECKI - IV Symfonia Tansman Epizody
Conductor: Paweł PRZYTOCKI Soloist: Joseph MOOG – piano
Jenaer was leader for the Reger piece and Filharmonia Śląska led the Henryk Mikołaj Górecki piece. This way, each orchestra had the chance to demonstrate its know-how and artistic personality in the interpretation.