Activity 24 - ONE Brass Orchestra

Created in 2010 on an initiative from Marc Geujon then solo trumpet player in Orchestre de Picardie, ONE® Brass Orchestra focuses on the orchestra brass musicians of the network. It aims at breaking the conventional and elitist image of the classical music sector while emphasing the artist profile of the orchestra musicians. The brass musicians are given an opportunity to perform transnationally and present the extent and excellence of their artistic talent. While performing specific repertoire they benefit from sustainable lifelong training.
In 2010 and 2012, in order to diversify the concert format, the ONE® Brass Orchestra performances were presented in non-traditional outdoor concert locations such as parks or heritage monuments.
The 2017 residency of 18 musicians from 5 partner orchestras was hosted by Bulgarian partner New Symphony Orchestra.
To follow on tradition, this year the ONE® Brass Orchestra was performed in the Central Military Club in Sofia (BG), on 2d July!
The attractive programme was:
- Dmitri SHOSTAKOVICH: Festive Overture for Brass Ensemble, arranged by Bradley MIKESELL
- Giovanni GABRIELI: Sonata Pian’e Forte
- Keiron ANDERSON: Choral Prelude for Brass Ensemble
- Modest MUSSORGSKY: Pictures from an exhibition, arranged by Elgar HOWARTH
conductor: Petko Dimitrov
ONE® is glad to share French Horn player Waldemar Matera testimony:
" Everything in Sofia was fantastic (except lost baggage at the airport). Maybe was bit too hot for me, but it was too hot for Bulgarians as well :):):)
Organization was good, music side fantastic. It's just a pity we were not with our French colleagues....
Looking forward for next ONEBrass project."
Waldemar Matera
ONE® was really happy to receive a little word by composer Keiron Anderson about the ONE Brass Orchestra:
"So happy to see that One Brass played my Chorale Prelude in their concert this year. Thank you for including my music in your programme."
On Februray 17, 2019, ONE Brass Orchestra was performed in Ljubljana (SI), at the Slovene Philharmonic Hall. A serie of rehearsal will took place on Ljubljana from 13 to 17 February.
The programme was :
Giovanni Gabrieli - Sonata Pian e Forte
Piotr Ilitch Tchaikovsky - Capriccio Italiano
Alexandre Borodine - Danze Polovesiane
George Gershwin - An American in Paris
George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue (solo Trumpet)
Scott Joplin - The Nonpareil
Zequinha de Abreu - Tico Tico
Conductor and solo trumpet : Marco Pierobon
A LIVE Radio transmission was made.
Great success for the second edition of the ONE Brass Orchestra, with 18 musicians from Jenaer Philharmonie, BMPO, RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, Filharmonia Śląska and New Symphony Orchestra. Conducted by the Italian trumpet player Marco Pierobon.